Pavers Foundation Funds Kingsbridge District Men’s Shed!

The Pavers Foundation, has recently donated £500 of match funding to Kingsbridge District Men’s Shed on behalf of Claire Tapper who works at Herring Shoes, a subsidiary of Pavers.

The Kingsbridge District Men’s Shed is part of the National UK Men’s Shed movement, a community space for men and women to connect, converse and create. They help reduce loneliness and isolation and have been recommended by many local health services around the country as a referral service for a form of rehabilitation.

Claire decided to apply for funding on behalf of the Men’s Shed, having seen the difference they made in her local community: “I have seen what the Men’s Shed gives back to individuals but also to the community, the flower boxes they built for the local ‘In Bloom’ group and benches for local parks. They are currently building a giant Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car for the latest performance by Marlborough Amateur Dramatics group, who were the recipients of a grant by the Pavers Foundation last year!”

This donation will go towards an outside store for wood and materials for the Men’s Shed group, who have grown in popularity so much over the last few year that they now need a separate dry, secure space to keep their wood. Due to the skills and competencies within the group they will build their own store house, and all funding will go directly towards the materials. Malcom Short thanked the Foundation for the donation: “Thank you on behalf of the Men’s Shed and the local Kids’ Am-Dram group who are looking forward to their next performance using the props we are building. The outdoor storage unit project is progressing to plan thanks to your donation”. 

The Pavers Foundation is delighted to have made such a difference to those in the local community of one of their colleagues and continues to encourage everyone in the business to get involved with the Pavers Foundation by applying on behalf of charities and causes close to their hearts!