Helping to End Leprosy with a Donation from the Pavers Foundation

The Pavers Foundation has donated £5,000 to Lepra on behalf of Stuart Paver, Managing Director of Pavers Shoes.

Lepra works directly with communities in Bangladesh, India, Mozambique and Zimbabwe to find, treat and rehabilitate people affected by leprosy.

1,460,000 people have been reached through education and events designed to raise awareness of leprosy, which is widely considered a neglected disease.

The donation will go towards sustaining the ongoing work of Lepra, including funding educational support for children affected by Lepra, training leprosy colony members in how to care and provide for members of their communities and training village doctors.

The Pavers Foundation is delighted to offer continual support to Lepra, with this sum bringing their total donations to the charity up £38,673.00.

To learn more about the inspiring work of Lepra, please visit their website: